Yesterday I beat Resident Evil 4 for the Nintendo Dolphin and I must say that it is the best game on said system. Though I won't get into an in depth review of the game I will say that it will take a LOT to beat this for game of the year, but it's only March so we'll see. Final Fantasy XII looms on the horizon and will no doubt kick monkey ass.
Resident Evil 4 is completely different from any other RE, but that's not a bad thing. The game is genuinely very fun. And towards the end when you're going through all that industrial shit, it is really scary too. Oh and a fully powered up Broken Butterfly with 50 power is the shits yo.
Assignment Ada is proving very difficult and frustrating since a mind numbing zero enemies drop any goddamned ammo. I want my Chicago Typewriter!
The Mercenaries is a fun little diversion. Once you unlock the secret characters it gets really cool. Nothing like taking out 12 ganados with Krausers super mutant arm. And let me just say that Mr. Double Chainsaw is one of my most feared enemies ever, when I hear those chainsaws start in waterworld I piss myself. Then it smells like piss and fear.
Great game. Different, but very fun. At least one more play through will be necessary.
Resident Evil 4 is completely different from any other RE, but that's not a bad thing. The game is genuinely very fun. And towards the end when you're going through all that industrial shit, it is really scary too. Oh and a fully powered up Broken Butterfly with 50 power is the shits yo.
Assignment Ada is proving very difficult and frustrating since a mind numbing zero enemies drop any goddamned ammo. I want my Chicago Typewriter!
The Mercenaries is a fun little diversion. Once you unlock the secret characters it gets really cool. Nothing like taking out 12 ganados with Krausers super mutant arm. And let me just say that Mr. Double Chainsaw is one of my most feared enemies ever, when I hear those chainsaws start in waterworld I piss myself. Then it smells like piss and fear.
Great game. Different, but very fun. At least one more play through will be necessary.