Monday, February 28, 2005 

A Message from Paul French Fries

Hello American gangsta!
It is season of fun. Close. Let's enjoying!
Those which I come when being splendid, have lived within, so you rejoice, it funs.
The world ZONE is. Bigger light! Take it less Coca-Cola.
American wrapper is. Being jark stop.
You call even with the good friend and don't think us?
As for this me who am said the way if is.

- Paul French Fries

Saturday, February 26, 2005 

Greatness Returns

Such a great link it deserved it's own post.

Oh yes!

Tuesday, February 22, 2005 

Fsking Camera

My fucking digital camera is being a little bitch. The dial that you turn to switch modes is sticking on certain options and you have to force it to turn. The button you press to take the pictures (good lord it probably has a name but I can't for the life of me think of it) also sticks a little bit. It hasn't hindered taking pictures much, it's just really bothersome. This camera needs to straighten up and fly right, or I fear the ravages of sin shall overcome it.
If there isn't anyone in this area that can do anything with it, I might have to send it away to get it looked at. Oh Bishop!

Oh and if you got the joke in the title, then you must be a member of the Cadre of Death!

Sunday, February 20, 2005 

Koji Kount - IWGP Heavyweight!

Satoshi Kojima is the 4 crown champion, the first one ever! Kojima beat Tenzan in 59 minutes today and won the IWGP Heavyweight title adding that to his Triple Crown and becoming the first quadra champion in history. Noone expected this and everyone doubted Kojima could do it, but he's now at the top of the wrestling world. Cozy World!


Wednesday, February 16, 2005 

Koji Kount - Triple Crown!

Satoshi Kojima beat Toshiaki Kawada and won the Triple Crown title today! Fuck yeah, go Koji. The title changes for the first time in over a year and Kojima is the ace of All Japan, a promotion that just keeps getting better. Everyone is going to AJPW, and despite the lackluster RO&D group it is fucking great. My #2 favorite promotion in Japan after NOAH.


Tuesday, February 15, 2005 

Ets not all negative

Despite my rant on the E yesterday, which was much deserved, there are several things I think they are doing right. Not a lot of things, and they don't outweigh the bad but they are little rays of greatness in a huge pile of McMahon's shit.

- Edge's push. This push is loooooong deserved and was delayed after numerous injuries. Sure he still hasn't gotten the title yet, but he's still young and he's got time.

- Funaki's Cruiserweight title win. Also very long deserved. Funaki is consistently popular and yet that never got him anything. Last years Halloween was fucking brilliant! I hope he holds this forever, or he gets a Wrestlemania spot out of it.

- Paul London's very gradual push. It's taken a year, but I think he is finally catching the eye of everyone after his matches with Akio. London is impressing the live crowds and he HAS to be impressing the management. The most he'll ever be able to acheive is Cruiser champion, but can that be far off?

- Christian's push. Christian is a super-heel it can't be denied. This guy should be in the title scene before too long. Great charisma, one of the best heels in the company AND a good wrestler. That's almost TOO good for them.

- Triple H and Ric Flair's Wrestlemania commercial. C'mon it was fucking the greatest thing EVER!

... that's it.

Monday, February 14, 2005 

What was and what is

This is how wrestling was a year ago, it was getting better. It was getting fucking great...

Then this happened. Not to say this is the worst of the worst, it's just fucking bad. Of all the people to give a 9 month reign to... this redneck? Fine. But still there's diva searches, gay Charlie Haas, a woman with the cruiser title, some Tough Enough thing... and about 100 crappy angles the level of Chester McCheeserton. I HATE THE WWE!


Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Who said that? Who the fuck said that? Who's the slimy little communist shit, twinkle-toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant? Nobody, huh? The fairy fucking godmother said it. Out-fucking-standing. I will PT you all until you fucking die. I'll PT you until your assholes are sucking buttermilk.

Friday, February 11, 2005 

Reverse the Curse

Hells yeah, no school for me today. One day after complaining that I never had a snow day in college and I get one. The snow from yesterday never stopped so they had no choice. The snow keeps coming and coming and coming. A whole day to do not a damn thing... sorta like every other day...

Thursday, February 10, 2005 

The Universe Hates Me

In the two and a half years or so I've been at the University of Maine I've never had a snow day, ever. It just didn't happen, and there were some pretty heavy snows I had to go to school during. But guess what? There were no classes today due to snow! BUT I DON'T HAVE ANY CLASSES ON THURSDAYS! Jay-zeus cristos. Y'know what? Earlier this very semester classes were cancelled due to snow on another Thursday. FUCK! The only two snow days I've ever had in college and they don't even count for me because I don't have classes on those days. Yeah fuck winter, and screw the universe.
Screw the universe?



Winter's back, back again, winter's back tell a friend.
Of course a snow storm had to hit. Goddamn 18 month Maine winters. Those last couple of days were so damn good, but oh no here comes winter again like Brock Lesnar. Winter gives spring the ole F5... or the ole sue you for $400 Million, whichever Lesnar analogy you want. I gotta watch Smackdown tonight since they're in Japan. Funaki fights! Haven't seen him with the belt yet. RAW in Japan was cool, and damn when they showed Saitama/Tokyo I was so fucking happy then angry. Tajiri won the tag belts with Billiam Regal and the crowd popped like Buddha just walked into the ring.
Anyway fuck Winter.

Jay: I feel good today, Silent Bob, we're gonna make some money, then you know what we're going to do? We're gonna go to that party, and we're gonna get some pussy, and I'm gonna fuck this bitch, and fuck this bitch, I'll fuck ANYTHING THAT MOVES! What the fuck you lookin at, I'll kick yo fuckin ass! Shit yeah. Doesn't that fucker owe me 10 bucks? You know, fuckin tonight, we're gonna rip off that fucker's head, and take out his fuckin' SOUL. Hey, what's up baby, what's up, sluts?

Monday, February 07, 2005 

It Tastes Like Spring

Outside, the weather was warmer and the snow was melting and creating a muddy mess. It felt like spring, and damn did it feel good. But of course this is Maine, so I'm sure 2 or 3 snowstorms are left. It's such a goddamn tease to get a good day like this. This winter seemed really mild though, so maybe an early spring. We just need some rain to wash away the snow and of course the sins. Of course once the snow melts they'll find the bodies... so many dead... I mean so many alive corpses half buried in my backyard!
Anyway death to winter.

David Mills: I've been trying to figure something in my head, and maybe you can help me out, yeah? When a person is insane, as you clearly are, do you know that you're insane? Maybe you're just sitting around, reading "Guns and Ammo", masturbating in your own feces, do you just stop and go, "Wow! It is amazing how fucking crazy I really am!"? Yeah. Do you guys do that?

Sunday, February 06, 2005 

1-2-3 Championships

New England Patriots win the Super Bowl again! Three times in four years. Yeah we're that damn good! Nailbiting game, in Boston sports you're behind even when you're ahead until the game's over. But we fucking won. So hells yeah. New England Patriots are the Samoa Joe's of football Americano.

Friday, February 04, 2005 

Perfection Too Late and KOBASHI

I really REALLY hate it when you think of the exact and most perfect thing to say or do minutes after it is too late to do anything. Happened to me earlier today, and I was pissed the rest of the fucking day, I mean I thought of the absolute most perfect 100% untouchable and I'm forcing you to feel me word life this is basic thuganomics thing to say, 20 minutes too late when I was in my car. But enough being serious, which I hate to do...

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That's right my dear Americanos, Kenta Kobashi is going to tour the United States! Do you understand what this is? DO YOU?!?!?! The greatest wrestler in the world is going to be in the country I live in, and there's a good godamn chance I'm going to see him! LIVE! IN PERSON! BLAZIN SNIPER GRAND SWORD SECOND! FUCK YEAH! I hope he goes to RoH and fights Samoa Joe, that would be tops. Or Kobashi vs Maff, battle of the Burning Hammers! Exclamation point for mas excitement!

Lois Griffin: Peter, there's a naked man on this cake.
Peter Griffin: There were only two cakes left, and trust me, you do not want the one of Al Roker with the Hershey Kiss nipples.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005 

Trying out posting pictures

I'm trying several methods of posting pictures to this site, the hello thing is cool but it only allows one pic per post. That could get a little long. I might just keep hosting them on Imageshack, or maybe I can figure out how to keep them somewhere else... any suggestions?


Logan Loves the Horses

Logan loves the horses... a little too much. Posted by Hello


Television and Lost

Damn I love this show. At first when I heard about it I thought it was gonna be some crappy reality show. But then I caught the first two episodes together and I was addicted. Lost fucking grabs you and gets you into the story. A bunch of people trying to survive on a crazy island. Just like Muppet Babies... err, what. Just sucks though, if you miss one goddamn episode you miss everything. You CAN'T miss even one episode, which sucks. I don't usually get into shows like this, network TV dramas are generally crap. TV is generally crap, but you watch it. You watch it because of parental neglect or the opposite, parental overbearing. A few standout shows come along and you watch them. Simpsons, Family Guy, Scrubs, Aqua Teen Hunger Force are about the only other shows I watch regularly.
Marge: Homer, I'd like to talk to you. Homer: But then I won't be watching TV.

Jules: You know the shows on TV?
Vincent: I don't watch TV.
Jules: Yeah, but, you are aware that there's an invention called television, and on this invention they show shows, right?

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  • Busaiku25
  • Bangor, Maine, United States
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