Friday, September 30, 2005 


I don't know what it is about Halo 2. In general terms, I suck at this game and I really don't like the way it plays. Yet every week I find myself playing it, bitching about it, and having quite a lot of fun (race horses aside). I guess when you play in a large group of people, the poor quality of the game and the poor quality of your play don't matter. Besides, I might win a match one of these days.

Look at this new IWGP title belt, that is one DAMN fine belt.

I can't help it, I've got a thing for title belts. They're so damn cool. Wrestling ones are usually better than boxing ones, but I've seen some MMA ones that are pretty swanky.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005 

No, very bad

No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I don't care what those fucking stooges are saying as they collectively jerk each other off at the shitty booking in New Japan. This is just plain wrong.
IWGP Title Match
Kazuyuki Fujita (c) vs. Masahiro Chono vs. Brock Lesnar

If Chono doesn't win this I'll be mightily pissed off. If Brock Lesnar wins this I'll stop following NJPW. Bob Sapp was bad enough. Have some dignity and stop taking massive elephant shits on your title. Fuck Antonio Inoki, Fuck Simon Inoki, Fuck all the stooges, Fuck New Japan.

Tanahashi is your future, stop fucking around with him before you lose him like Shibata.

Sunday, September 25, 2005 

Survival of the Fittest

Yesterday I attended the 2005 Survival of the Fittest tournament in Dorchester, Massachusetts. The trip was long, but worth it in the end. As usual we got slightly lost looking for the venue, but that has happened every time so nothing new. We ended up beside that beach by the projects again. Damn you Victory Road for being so un-findable. "Here, we're the minority", quote of the trip. I'm telling you, us backwards hillbilly mountain folk are sheltered up here in Maine.

On to the show.

Let's start at the top. The Survival of the Fittest six man elimination match. Outstanding. The early stuff with all six was just great, with Lethal & Joe working as a team, Cabana's semi-comedy/semi-serious stuff and Daniels being Daniels. After Joe and Daniels were gone (Aries pinned Daniels btw), it became a GenNext vs Cabana/Lethal type of situation. These four put on some insanely great wrestling. For me, Lethal really shined right here and proved he's one of the future stars of Ring of Honor. After he was taken out by a devestating series of double teams from Aries and Strong, GenNext were fighting Cabana. There were some good comedy spots at this point, but shouldn't have been in the match. I think Aries was supposed to pin Colt Cabana but he slipped while trying a 450 and Strong had to take the pin. This got us down to Austin Aries vs Roderick Strong. Despite Aries possible injury, this was a spectacular bout between the two leaders of Generation Next. Austin Aries reminded me why I loved him in the first place, selling his back injury and hitting crazy corkscrew moves. Roderick Strong, however, really proved that the title WILL be his one day. Others saw it in him before this match, it took this match for me to see it in him. He's going to be a star. These two played off their knowledge of each other to create some crazy counters to moves, but in the end Roderick Strong took advantage of Aries' weakened back and made him tap to one of the most painful looking Boston Crabs ever. Roderick Strong, the NEXT Ring of Honor champion. 10/29.

Immediately before this match was the Pure Title match. BJ Whitmer challanged Nigel McGuinness to the title. This was an okay match, but I didn't like how Whitmer "accidently" used his rope breaks. Nigel was very "unpure" in this match as well, winning off a lowblow into rollup using ropes. Some crazy spots, including a brilliant exploder off the top rope. Good match, could've been better.

DeVito match sucked, crappy students. These are the guys who set up the chairs.

Qualifying matches. Christopher Daniels vs James Gibson was really good, though it was played a little odd. Since Daniels is the old pro, everyone LOVED him. This forced James Gibson to play the heel. It still came off well, as we saw Gibson pulling out all the stops to try and beat the legend in their only match ever. Good words after the match from Daniels.

Samoa Joe vs Milano Collection AT was a fun match. We saw Joe work a pure style, which makes sense because he just lost the pure title. Milano showcased some of his moves and some unique subissions using the ropes. In the end Joe won, and Milano was given the crowds appreciation with a standing ovation and a "please come back" chant.

Austin Aries vs Jimmy Rave should've been better. It was a shortish match that really didn't have a lot going for it. The match was pretty standard fare, with neither man going out of their way. Rave should've since he wasn't advancing, but oh well. Ended in DQ. Prince Nana is becoming a great manager. He brought Jade out on a retractable length log leash. Pure genius.

Roderick Strong vs Jerrelle Clark was a solid match. Clark was somehow able to maintain control of the match through the early part, and showcase most of his cool moves. Strong took over in the end and crushed him. Clark earned a standing ovation for his effort and a "please come back" chant.

Colt Cabana vs Ricky Reyes was an decent match. It wasn't anything special, Cabana acted like Dusty Rhodes a lot. Reyes really didn't do anything memorable. Too bad the good Pitbull is in Japan right now.

Jay Lethal vs Sal Rinauro was better than I thought it would be. Rinauro reminds me of a crappier Spanky. This match was fast paced, and allowed Lethal to show that in a speedy match he can really go. Lethal turned it up and defeated this guy with little difficulty.

So all in all this was a very good show. I ended up shaking Christopher Daniels hand, because he was heading directly towards me anyway, and meeting Milano Collection AT on my way to the bathroom and telling him he had a great match and getting an Engrish "Sanko yuu".

Fun times, I hope to go again in four months when the return to Boston.

Friday, September 23, 2005 

Back to Boston... Tomorrow

So tomorrow is the day I return to Boston to attend a Ring of Honor show. This is set to be a very good show, and should turn out to be a good day. Let's hope my unspoken good luck streak continues into tomorrow and we get a great show. How could it not be though? Every survival of the fittest contender is an outstanding athlete, excepting Sal Rinauro of whom I am not familiar with.

I predict the final six man to be; Samoa Joe vs Christopher Daniels vs Jay Lethal vs Austin Aries vs Roderick Strong vs Colt Cabana. I see a big new name coming out of this, so either Strong or Lethal gets the win. Maybe if Cabana goes ULTRA serious he has a shot. Daniels, Joe and Aries simply don't need this win to stay at the top and a loss here won't bring them down at all.

The only other match that is determined at this point is Nigel McGuinness vs BJ Whitmer. I like Whitmer. He gets few chances to show himself off in singles that I think this might be where he just goes nuts in the ring and pulls off something special. Though he was given that chance once before with Stryker, McGuinness is a better opponent than Stryker. With Nigel taking more OVW dates, I see a possible upset in this match.

Boston. After going nowhere at all during one of the most depressing summers ever travel-wise, I am going back to Boston. The last time I was out of Maine was in April to go to Boston for Ring of Honor.

Hey, Kenta Kobashi is in America as I write this. Surprise guest appearance anyone?

If you haven't played We Love Katamari yet, fucking get off your ass and play the game. Now! This game is so damn quirky, so damn fun, gotta roll up everything and make the King of All Cosmos happy. Now! Take it!

Monday, September 19, 2005 

The Belt Jumps Again

So Bryan Danielson beat James Gibson for the ROH Championship. Pretty cool for someone that is supposed to be retired. Danielson has earned this damn title, as he's one of the very few to be with the company from start till now. With Ki and Daniels back, do I smell a Danielson-Ki-Daniels three way rematch? This time for the title please.

Danielson vs Gibson for the title should be quite good since they know each other pretty well. They teamed for a while in New Japan y'know. Top notch team.

So now it's under a week until Survival of the Fittest in Boston. Should be oodles of fun. No puedo esperar Anillo del Honor en Boston.

Friday, September 16, 2005 

Paul French Fries brings Crying

New look of appealing!

My nothing having and none loving. The question brings to why? Of this my none having and none giving. Do you wish for Paul to get it. When this is the truth I run to be happy. But none bringing soon to it. So the sadness of I is forever continued. Help them to? Bring hip wiggle for him!

I meet the celebrity man! I punch him to be the one that does. But when waking up he spoke in a voice of power. The science train brings the light of future past? I know. But not. He Tom Cruise! I signature making him, but no. The refuse it.

You think it of the clouds and the sky. But you burn the gods to cry tears. They making luck. The luck fails and I am no job. I no the money is in. Why it makes destiny always, it has this unhappiness in me, do. I my luck, continue to search my love and my money. Thanking.

- Paul French Fries

Wednesday, September 14, 2005 

Keep Your Dignity NJPW

It seems as though Brock Lesnar is set to appear at New Japan's Tokyo Dome. I could not be more against this idea. Brock Lesnar is an undertalented, steroid-abusing, old lady-fucking, wrestling-hating, overrated failure. He quit wrestling after being pushed like a horse for a year, leaving everyone in a bad situation. He failed at football, a game which he had never played. Then he wants to come back to wrestling and get paid MORE money. Too bad Lesnar, too fucking bad. You signed a deal saying you could wrestle until 2010, and you shouldn't be able to wrestle until 2010.

New Japan, you're a failing company. The Zero-One invasion might help them, not you. Lesnar will just take your money and not draw. He's forgotten. Just put the belt on Chono at the Tokyo Dome and do yourself SOME good. Fujita isn't helping that belt one bit, I'd say he's hurting it more.

He's an idiot. Comes from upbringing. His parents are probably idiots too. Lorraine, if you ever have a kid that acts that way I'll disown you.

Monday, September 12, 2005 

Nigel Witherspoon

If you haven't yet, go check out Nigel Witherspoon's myspace. The rather extreme Briton will offend you in a hundred ways, but you may just get a laugh

Check it out. Now!

Friday, September 09, 2005 

X to the Ray

So I spent about four hours today getting radiation shot into me so a bunch of quacks could look at my intestines. Let me just say that was little fun. They had me drink this barium that tasted so horrible I almost vomited right in the waiting room. I had quite a number of x-rays taken of me, and the machine they use for the large intestine was quite intimidating. It's not as bad as the one they use for an MRI, but it's still rather large.
The process for me was rather boring as it involved a first part of about 10 minutes of x-rays, a 20 minute wait in the waiting room, a 1 minute x-ray, an 25 minute wait in the waiting room, another 1 minute x-ray, a 30 minute wait, and so on.
At least you meet people that are really fucked up there so you can feel better about how healthy you are. That being the key point, healthy. I saw no need for this, but I was still forced into getting them done. Short of death I can say this is the last time I'm going to be in the hospital. They find nothing, I see no reason to go back ever.

Gilligan died and the world got just slightly worse.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005 

We get a Japo on 9/24

So I just heard on the ROH boards that it's damn near confirmed we get a Japanese wrestler on the 9/24 Survival of the Fittest show in Boston. Now calm down my underlings, no you don't know him. His name is Milano Collection AT. Yes it's a goofy name, and true I've never seen him wrestle. However from the clips of him and the hype I've heard, he's like a slightly worse YOSSINO. Yeah, the From Jungle guy. He's a Toryumon/Dragon Gate guy, so you can expect the crazy Lucharesu shit to be flying all over the place. Should be cool. I mean he's not Tajiri or Ultimo, who I've seen, and he's DEFINATELY not Kenta Kobashi, but he'll do. I wanted a Japo wrestler, and I get a low-end Dragon Gate guy who should provide some enjoyment.

Monday, September 05, 2005 

School Daze

Summer's over in official terms, classes start up again tomorrow. Might I just say, shit. Hopefully this is my last year, but like I've been bitching about since July I'm almost certain that it can't be the last. One class next summer may be the way to go. I still have this semester to go through, which shouldn't be too bad. Not looking forward to Spanish, but the rest of my schedule seems fine. I'm thinking about adding a minor in History to my academic record, seeing as I almost already qualify for one.

The first thing I'm doing this semester is finding a job on campus. My brother told me three long years ago to get one, he told me to get one my first day up there. I didn't listen, but now after all this time I have to take his advice. I let myself down this summer to say the least. I was astonished that so much effort on my part led to such dismal results. I just didn't press hard enough, but I suppose that's my failing in the job market.

Looking forward to seeing a couple people I haven't seen in like four months, damnable pirates live so far away.

Time to get some sleep and prepare for a new grind, tomorrow I have 9 hours of classes. From nine in the morning to six at night.

Fuck the E. Goddamn Chris Failure-Masters gets his muscle-push to the main event. Number of the hundreds of muscle-posing-bodybuilding guys that actually succeed in the entire 30 year history of the E, ONE. STOP DOING THIS YOU IGNORANT FOOL.

Friday, September 02, 2005 

The Truth About Evans

I saw this in some guys sig on some forum, and I've never seen Jack Evans described so perfectly in so few words. If you've ever seen him then you know that he doesn't just defy gravity, he corrupts it. Credit to whoever made this for so exactly defining Jack Evans.

Thursday, September 01, 2005 

Death Spares Not the Young

Hendrikje van Andel-Schipper is dead!

No you shouldn't know who that is, I didn't until today when I randomly came across a story about her death. Who was she? The oldest person alive. She had held the title for about a year. As I read her bio I see a sad, sad life some of which includes living with her parents until she was 47, dealing with the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands and outliving her only husband by nearly 50 years.

Well as long as Andre the Giant is still alive I'll be happy... he's alive damnit! Don't try and tell me he's not, I saw him just yesterday. I swear on a stack of Avestas. He'll live to be 1000 you know because he's a Hill Giant, not the lesser Forest variety. Now if only he were a Frost Giant like that damn Utgardaloki.

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