Sunday, October 29, 2006 

Better Than the Last

Inspiration attacks me from all directions and my mind is going insane with interesting things, as usual I can hardly keeep up.

However, I fear my motivation is fleeing. My drive is slowing. I'm driven, to be sure, and I don't want that to go away. Filling out forms is boring, but accomplishing is exciting. I must push forward.

Quality over quantity. In truth?

To be struck in such a manner is worth a thousand laughs.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006 

Appledrops Eat the Fever of Malaysia

It's like 2 in the morning and I'm sitting here listening to trance/electro music, reading random blogs and thinking ever so hard. I've got to be up by 7 so I can make a class and listen to a Frenchman ramble on about Indians. Then I go and listen to a crazy old man make no fucking sense but sort of talk in general about the Greeks, wander around for an hour, listen to tales about the Irish, and then watch movies from the '40s.

(This post isn't entirely about school, I swear! Read on.)

I don't even bother to pay attention in any of my classes, they're so simple it's pathetic. I sat there in my Greek history class the other day and wrote the word "Dios" down like a thousand times. I filled two pages. Money well spent. What a fucking waste. Honestly. Biggest shit-in-the-toilet-the-break-the-toilet-into-pieces-and-beat-the-nearest-Russian-bloody semester I've ever had.

Yeah, so my blog posts have suffered a distinct lack of quality... if there ever was any. Quality, that is my fine feathered friends. My creativity is there I assure you.

I'm addicted to commas, or so I'm told. See. Every sentance. It bothers me. Like a tall person. They bother me too. Over seven feet. Just not natural.

Promises of candy kisses and lemony fresh farts. My blog will improve. It will. I swear on my children's graves. My future children. Provided I have any... if I don't already. I assure you I have several planned upgrades to the site. I have a few ideas I'm running around in my crack-addled mind. Will any of them play out? I don't know. This is like the eighth post I've ever done promising crazy-great new features, but I swear this time it's for realsies. I'm feeling creative. I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more ACTION!!! ADVENTURE!!!! AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!!!

Saturday, October 21, 2006 

Red Hot Chili Peppers

The concert was absolutely great, no doubt about it. Best one I've ever been too, and pretty much my favorite band ever. Excellent. Fucking brilliant.

There was an hour delay while the Peppers were having trouble with the rain, but it all was worth it in the end.

Friday, October 20, 2006 


Well, I'm off to Boston.
I'll post about it when I get back.
And stuff...
Glorious revolution!
Zombies!!!!!!!!!! the boardgame is epic.

Monday, October 09, 2006 

What Did I Do Today?

I played this...

Oh yeah, with somewhere around three weeks until it officially comes out I'm playing this motherfucker TO-DAY. When I saw FFXII up on torrents I almost had a heart attack, I had to have it NOW. Since this is such an important game, a lot of other people had it and there were some very fast seeders. So it took me twelve hours to download, twenty minutes to transfer and burn, and now I'm doing nothing else but playing it.

YES, I will buy the real game when it comes out. I won't have this modded system forever and I would like to own the real copy. But this just gives me the jump on it, and who could resist?

Yo ho, yo ho, a sky pirate's life for me!

Friday, October 06, 2006 

The Dream of Two Thousand Dead Men

Do me a favor, will you my dear readers. If I ever get amnesia totally fuck with my mind afterwards. Make as much shit as you want up, but make it interesting. If I ask how we met, create some long epic story about treasure hunting in Peru or fighting Communist pirates in the Indian Ocean. Make up funny names for yourselves like Gareth McToogan or Yangal Czerickalon and convince me that I demanded to be called "King Hiram Junior" or somesuch. Tell me I secretly had a child with Scarlett Johannsen who is being trained in a secret ninja academy and must never be spoken about. Go FMW on my background, I don't care. How great would that be? I would never want my amnesia to go away, because life would be too great. I'd forget all the bullshit of my life and have it replaced with a whole new one, a perfect one.

Make everything interesting, and never tell the truth. What's the fun of amnesia if everybody tries to cure it? Amnesia would be the greatest gift that damnable wretch named God could give me. Seriously, why take a gift like amnesia and try and "fix" it. Fuck that.

Henry: If you're part of a crew, nobody ever tells you that they're going to kill you, doesn't happen that way. There weren't any arguments or curses like in the movies. See, your murders come with smiles, they come as your friends, the people who've cared for you all of your life. And they always seem to come at a time that you're at your weakest and most in need of their help.

Thursday, October 05, 2006 

Loads of Bullshit

The youtube blog service appears to be a hunk of shit. While it has worked in the past, it took 2 weeks for this most recent batch of videos to get posted to my blog. What crap, so I deleted them because they aren't entirely relevant anymore.

Wow, haven't posted here for a long while. And I've had so much to say. The problem is motivation, I don't have any. But who cares, this blog has been nothing but pointless since the day it opened. I still want to shut it down, but none of my fourish readers will let me! This is my HOUSE!!!!

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  • Busaiku25
  • Bangor, Maine, United States
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