Thursday, May 26, 2005 

Spyware Is So Unfair

How is it possible that spyware is legal? I have had my computer crippled from spyware on many occasions, as I'm sure everyone has. In fact, despite formatting my computer two days ago my computer is seriously fucked up AGAIN. Even worse than before. I use all the spyware tools, but they can't get rid of everything. One thing remains that no program can get, and then it immediately starts on startup and loads all the spyware up again. It waits until I'm online and gets everything.
These motherfuckers that create this shit should all be arrested. It breaks through popup stoppers and installs on your computer without any confirmation, it just does it. No approval needed. It watches you, steals your information and destroys your computer.
I'm about ready to throw my computer out my window and say fuck it to all of computerdom. But I can't live without computerdom, so it gets some more chances. I can't take fighting against spyware much more. I can't take it, I can't stop it, I can't get rid of it.
Fuck computers.
Fuck spyware.
Fuck Chuck Norris.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005 

I Hate 'puters

After losing my computer for a week I finally returned this hunk of shit to functionality. Well I didn't, my younger brother did. Anyway, this is my return to the internet! I'm still setting this thing up, but I'll be all set up again real soon. It's just good to have a computer again.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005 

Bryan Danielson quits wrestling!

First we lose Dan Maff, then John Walters and now worst of all American Dragon Bryan Danielson has quit wrestling!

At first when I read it in the ROH newsletter I nearly shit myself. One of the greatest talents in the indies quit the best indy company. I thought it was fake, a storyline. They made it sound that way. Then I read from more reliable sources and actual news outlets that it was true, he had quit wrestling entirely. This is a terrible, terrible day for wrestling. Word is many companies were treating him like shit and he wasn't getting results anywhere. After he lost his title match to Aries, he quit wrestling. This is one of the darkest days in wrestling.
Bryan Danielson was the one of the last members of the old guard of Ring of Honor left. He was the man that main evented the first show, and put on classics throughout the entire length of the company. His pure wrestling talent was untouchable, he was a fucking star in that ring. Is a star in that ring. He had submissions like none have ever seen. His matches were so good they made Santa look like Hitler.
Still, there's a chance this IS all a storyline. I'd say 50/50. I hope it is, because he's one of the great talents out there. It's a shame he hasn't done more, won more. He still has chances. He'll be back storyline or no.

Monday, May 16, 2005 

Makes you think

In my random wanderings throughout the internet that I seem to be doing lately instead of looking hard for a job I've come across many sites. Few of these sites have actually been interesting, but that's these internets for you.
I found this one site by a Japanese guy that writes out his blog in English. He's not especially funny or anything and he's nothing like Masamania, but a lot of the stuff he writes makes you think. In his latest post he lists certain things he always does by habit, and a couple of them I noticed I did without thinking about it. It puts you to thinking on a different tangent.
I'm always thinking and I believe I spend too much time in my mind, too much time thinking. This guy manages to put his minor piddling thoughts to words, things he's run over in his head a hundred times. I like that.
Here's his site.
Extraordinary Ordinary Guy In Japan

Wednesday, May 11, 2005 

Ho hum

Nothing's happening, nothing's happening, nothing's happening. Oh how bored. I'll figure something out, I usually do. You bet your sweet bippy I'll shake this shit up. The job search has thus far turned up poorly, several applications have gone out and with no results. I took some pictures of those train cars that have been sitting down on the tracks for like half a year. Does anyone remember they are there? NIGHT TRAINS MAKE NO SENSE!

Brian: Okay, they're - they're in the woods. The camera keeps on moving. Uh... I think they're looking for some witch or something; I don't know, I wasn't listening. Nothing's happening. Nothing's happening. Something about a map. Nothing's happening. It's over. A lot of people in the audience look pissed.

Friday, May 06, 2005 

You know it's almost...

You know it's almost Summertime when the crazy bagpipe man is out. In my neighborhood there is this guy that goes out and plays the bagpipes everyday, he walks around and plays them. He wears full Scottish formal dress sometimes, kilt and all. He only does this during the summer, and today he officially started up. I heard him for the first time since last August today and laughed so very much.
It isn't fair to call him crazy though, he just respects his Scottish heritage. Though you have to have some craziness to try and pull that here in suburban white America, because we think someone wearing a hat backwards is crazy and terrorist-like.
I'll try and get a picture sometime this Summer.
Well the signs keep on coming that Summer is on the way.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005 


Ring of Honor has really been building up what the Rottweilers are going to do in Manhattan on Saturday. I mean big time building it up... in their newsletter. But still they claim cops will be there to "prevent anyone from being hurt" or something along those lines. What could they do that would be so big? I know it's ROH so it can't be THAT major of a thing, and many times they disappoint on story elements like this. Isn't the return of Low Ki enough? Despite him and Homicide not having matches I think SOMETHING will happen, but what? Who are their targets? I am really curious as to what these...

... gents really going to do? Oh and for gods sake J Smoke, put a shirt on.

Alex Shelley vs Austin Aries happens on Saturday as well, where I thought it would be the last of his three title defenses this month. Oh well, winner of Homicide/Danielson gets the last title shot it seems. Shelley vs Aries is 5/7, Gibson vs Aries is 5/13 and winner of Cide/Dragon is 5/14. I would say that Danielson will win the series and get a shot at Aries, and have about a 35% chance to win the title.

Ah that's my ROH thoughts for the moment.

Sunday, May 01, 2005 

Finals "Week" and Summer

Finals week is upon me and the end of the semester is well fucking nigh. Though really all I have is Monday with two tests and a 15-minute Spanish speaking session on Tuesday. Oh and a short paper for 229. It'll be over so quick. Then it's summer.
Oh what to do about summer, I don't know. The days get long and the trees come to life. It happens for such a short time that it's an event. You forget how much you miss summer until you start to feel it again. My favorite season by far. Rain, oh so much rain. Summers are too short, but always welcomed. Mother fucker get your green ass over here! Hurry up!
I'll get a job this summer, I have to. I need money to purchase things and to save for future endeavors. I'm starting not to care where I get a job, I just need some dull-ass wage-paying job. Post haste. I need to put more effort into the job search than ever before.
I know that I'll be taking pictures constantly as well. I have been in a lull in the spring, in winter I was busting that camera out and snapping shots like crazy. Summer will bring that back. Plus it's easier to get around then and the weather compels you to get off your ass.
Jushin Thunder Liger! I can't wait for thunderstorms, I love thunderstorms.
Fucking finals week, why isn't this shit over. I want me my summer.

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  • Bangor, Maine, United States
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