Sunday, October 30, 2005 

Still Going Strong Style

So I was able to get a refreshing 2 hours of sleep last night. Yet still, I'm not really in 'zombie' mode. I'm wide awake, I'm quite energized. Only 2 hours of sleep since about 9 a.m. Friday morning.

Last night I just couldn't get to sleep. I tried playing Indigo Prophecy, but I couldn't concentrate so I quit. I watched a mini-marathon of the show Extras on HBO, which was quite funny. I actually talked my thoughts out loud in British-British while watching that show. Nothing like sleep deprevation for you to start up arguments with yourself while speaking in an English accent. This brought me to the end of the first one o'clock. I spent the next one o'clock watching some Jackie Chan movie from the '80s. Then I watched some random shit on TV and fell asleep at around four.

I woke up sometime after six and couldn't get back to sleep. Not that it mattered, because I wasn't really tired anymore.

Now I'm off to rake leaves, or repair windows, or... anything. Need to keep myself occupied to shut up my brain.

Oh, Roderick Strong came up short in his hyper-pushed title shot. Kind of expected since Danielson couldn't have a short reign, and many more interesting matches are available for him to have. AJ Styles is the new #1 ranked ROH wrestler, which means he finally gets another title shot. It's about time, AJ hasn't had a shot since the early Joe reign I believe.

"When you have insomnia, you're never really asleep, and you're never really awake."

Saturday, October 29, 2005 

Copy of a copy of a copy

I couldn't sleep last night. I tried, but my mind was bubbling and I couldn't get to sleep. So I watched The Matrix trilogy, straight. That only got me to like almost 7, so I watched crappy infomercials and anything else that was on. I caught the end of The Last Samurai, great movie which I watch whenever I see it on. I'm still up and I have no reason to believe I'll sleep before tonight. I'm not even tired right now. I'm awake, alert and energized with nothing to do. Which means I'm restless, as usual. I think I'll go walk 200 laps around my room.

October marches to a close, and I couldn't be happier. 't hasn't been a good month.

Is Tyler my bad dream or am I Tyler's?

Tuesday, October 25, 2005 

New Look for a New Day

So I went ahead and decided to get a new look for the site. The other look had served since day one, but really wasn't anything special. This one should be easier on your little girl eyes *coughchriscough* and probably makes my site look somewhat less amateurish. So enjoy the new look my disloyal sheep.

Monday, October 24, 2005 

Is Hallowe'en Dead?

I'm sure most of my readers (all... one of you) are old enough to remember a time when Halloween was one of the biggest holidays of the year. We are a week away from All Hallows Eve, and you just wouldn't know. It used to be every store would convert a whole section into the "Halloween" section, which would be aisles of costumes, candy and related items. I remember walking into the old Shop 'n' Save and they had an entire aisle that was costumes. They had all those plastic devil pitchforks that you would pick up and start attacking your siblings with. It was great because EVERY store converted for Halloween. Every store you went to you spent time in that section pondering what costume you would wear, or what would be the "coolest". On TV it used to be constant Halloween specials leading up to the big day, every cartoon would have a special episode. No matter what channel you were on there would be a Halloween theme to the graphics. I remember as a kid in the early '90s there were tons more kids going trick-or-treating. You were struggling with like 20 other kids at each house to get your damn candy. It seemed like there were so many kids out. Last year we had 3 kids at our house and there were none out. Same damn area as when I was a kid and NOTHING!

There used to be a damn "spooky" factor to Halloween, a special aura. That is long gone now. It has slowly slipped from being such a big day, and instead is a 20-minute candy fest. Can corporations no longer find profitablity in Halloween? I don't know if it's a change in society, or the jaded view of an adult looking back at childhood with some nostalgia.

I mean even the Simpsons Treehouse of Horror is pushed back to November just like last year, that's depressing. Fucking World Series on Fox ruins the potential for a timely Treehouse of Horror. How many more years do they have that thing?

Either way, Halloween blows compared to 15 years ago. Just another day.

Sunday, October 23, 2005 

Funny Dying Day

Captain Jack is dead!
Francisco Alejandro Gutierrez

The singer, Captain Jack, died not two days ago.
Hey yo cap'n Jack, take me back to the railroad tracks.
Drill instructor, tell me what to do.
I'd laugh, but I have no laughter left.

Friday, October 21, 2005 

Searching is for Pleasure

I am continually mystified by what off the wall search queries find this site. That little statistics counter really helps me figure out what is making my hit counter shoot through the roof (well not really, but that's still a lot of people for me). I attribute most of my hits to two searches, Bryan Danielson and Kenta Kobashi. At certain times I have been the number 1 Yahoo! search for both of these terms. Kickass.

Now a list of interesting terms used to find this site.
(EDIT - I got rid of the list because the wrong element were finding my site, didn't want that anymore)
... and now my hits are going to go WAY up for ALL of these terms... which isn't good.

Time to go be bored.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 

Is Nirdu the House?

Since this website is the only known Andoras Nirdu fan site, I decided to get your opinions on whether he would defeat certain opponents. See reply with your answers.

1. Andoras Nirdu vs Brock Lesnar
2. Andoras Nirdu vs Hulk Hogan
3. Andoras Nirdu vs Urquan Meeshat
4. Andoras Nirdu vs Kenta Kobashi
5. Andoras Nirdu vs Samoa Joe
6. Andoras Nirdu vs Shaq
7. Andoras Nirdu vs 15 midgets, 5 black, 5 white, 5 Japanese
8. Andoras Nirdu vs an African Elephant
9. Andoras Nirdu vs Nigel Witherspoon, Gerald Ulestra & Arthur Winston
10. Andoras Nirdu vs the entire Cadre of Death

What's going on? RESPOND!

Monday, October 17, 2005 

The Feast of Bitches

In the Jewish religion today is the start of Sukkot, also known as the Feast of Bitches... if poorly translated. Hell I don't even know what Sukkot is about and I don't care. All I know is that it's going down today, so be prepared for... feasting on something.

Today is also a day of remembrance for our dear departed Emperor Jacques I of Haiti. He was assassinated on this day in 1806 in Port-au-Prince, and we shall ever remember him.

Today we also celebrate the birthing day of two of the greatest humans ever to live. Jodocus Hondius, a Flemish cartographer and of course the man who will always change your life... my good friend Ems, Eminem. Holy shit calm down, I'm just kidding, they are both abominations of humanity. Eminem for general crapitude and wegrosity, and Hondius for attempting to usurp Gerard Mercator as the greatest mapmaker of all time.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005 

Formal CoD

The Cadre of Death on a more formal occasion.

Free Image Hosting at

From Left to Right
Back - Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal, Ibrahim Baré Maïnassara, Kanakamanjari Sadayappan, Brynjólfur Skjölsvold, Li Tsung-jen (李宗仁)
Front - Drengal Magababi Forfengordal, Connlaogh Laoighseach Dolohanty

Tuesday, October 11, 2005 

Unusual Japanese

While I'm sure I could post pages on what I find unusual about the Japanese or what I find downright wrong about them, I'm going to focus on something that I just find a little unusual.

The Japanese are obsessed with food.

I'm not saying they're like gluttons or anything, it's just that what they eat is more important to them than we Americans. It pissed me off that every single, and I mean EVERY SINGLE, Japanese blog I went to had at least half of their posts with a picture of the food they were eating and a slight paragraph about what they eat. It's like they are keeping food logs or something. Every Japanese wrestler's blog (except Hayabusa) has a picture of what they ate.

And it isn't just the digital medium in which this comes out. I was talking to a guy from Japan yesterday (yay fun!) for the paper, and when I asked him his thoughts about Korea his first comment was that Korean food was "tasty". Here I am trying to get this guy to talk seriously about an important, nuclear situation and the first thought he has is that Korean food is tasty. He talked about the food in Korea for like a minute before I got over my shock and was able to stifle my laughter.

These damn Japos are gonna be fun to live among, I can tells you that. Side note, I am going to hold off signing up for the 2006 JET program and instead try to save up some money to get ready for the 2007 JET. Which means... I'll have to deal with the real world for a year. NOOOOOO!

Saturday, October 08, 2005 

NJPW can go fuck itself

I knew it was going to happen. The second they added his overpriced, overhyped, overrated ass to the Tokyo Dome card I knew it would happen. The worst moment in New Japan history, well maybe not there was Bob Sapp.

New IWGP Champion, Brock Lesnar

Fuck New Japan. Seriously, fuck it. I'm done following it. I'll still look for matches in the past, like the '03 G1 climax, but it has been for most of the last couple of years inferior to NOAH. Worse wrestling, INSANE booking, etc. I can't stand following it now that they've killed their company with Brock. Sapp was funny in a way, Brock is just sad. He probably cost more for the Dome show than they made with their shitty attendance, half of which got in for free. "But we don't care about the attendances," well if you care about New Japan you'll start giving a shit about whether people go or not. You fucking tools, NJPW won't be there in a year at this rate. I'm not following it anymore, but NJPW has plenty of Americans that simply can't see anything wrong with anything the company does, the followers believe it's ALWAYS perfect. They can't criticize the company like the E followers of America, they suck Inoki's proverbial dick. They applaud Lesnar as the greatest thing ever to happen. Brock Lesnar does not care about wrestling.


So fuck New Japan. I have superior wrestling in Pro Wresling NOAH. I have superior wrestling in All Japan Pro Wrestling. I have superior wrestling in ZERO-ONE for gods sake. If Tenzan, Tanahashi and Nakamura would quit the company I'd be happy, for those are the only decent wrestlers there.

Fuck New Japan, Fuck the E, Fuck Lesnar.

Thursday, October 06, 2005 

Several Interesting Comments

After reading the updates so far on, there have been some comments that have really struck at me as interesting.

The first two deal directly with the Kobashi vs Joe match and ensure that I WILL be buying this dvd.

"ROH officials have already decided that there will be no commentary during the Kenta Kobashi vs. Samoa Joe match from 10/1 on the home release. This show is about to go into immediate production. The match is just as epic on video as it was live."
For it to be as epic on video as it was live is huge.

"Kenta Kobashi and Samoa Joe each suffered numerous injuries after their weekend matches. Kobashi had one of his teeth broken in half. Joe suffered a minor ankle injury, but will be fine to compete on upcoming shows. Of course, both men where covered in bruises."
Tell me that isn't the greatest thing you've ever heard.

Also in the newsletter was something more worrisome.
"FIP's product can be described as middle point between OVW and ROH."
As we all know (or don't), FIP is more or less Ring of Honor in Florida. It's booked by the same people. For ROH to describe it as something between OVW and ROH is worrisome. This leads me to believe that ROH may be acting simply as a bridge to the WWE, and that a deal may be on treating ROH as sort of a "secret" development camp. Probably not, and hopefully ROH stays away from that style of wrestling.

Oh, and after numerous delays I may be finally getting published in The Maine Campus. Seeing as how I have connections with most of the editorial board, it seems slightly easier. Of course there isn't a new edition for a week from today... so who knows.

Off to enjoy my five day weekend.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005 


I'm a collosal fuckup.

Now on another note here's a dancing monkey.

Look at it dance you tools, it might cheer you up... though probably not.

Alright, this WILL do it... didn't work here, but ya'll like it.

Sunday, October 02, 2005 

Sabu is on My Television

So I suppose TNA debuted tonight on Spike TV. I didn't even remember this until I was flipping through the channels and saw Samoa Joe of all people. I passed by the channel, but after a quick "what the fuck" I turned it back to catch a promo hyping the X Division. That's how I caught TNA Impact. The first match I saw was Chris Sabin vs Alex Shelley vs Petey Williams. Alright, Shelley gets coast to coast coverage, kick ass. The only other match was Jeff Hardy vs Rhino, which sucked. Although it lead to the lights going out which means one thing, SABU!

At this point I was incredibly happy because I had been graced with the sight of new wrestlers on my television, after so much of the bland sameness of the WWE. AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Christopher Daniels, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley, Abyss, Petey Williams, Ron Killings, Sonjay Dutt, Sabu, Raven, Chris Harris and James Storm, oh my happiness. Such good talent to occupy my time.

With the good comes the mediocre and the bad. Jeff Jarrett (a crappier version of Trips), Kevin Nash, The Dudley Boyz, Monty Brown (who can improve I think)... though with so many positives on the show, these weaknesses can be forgotten. TNA needs recognition, after which they will build or rebuild their owns stars.

I was extremely happy that TNA has gone back to hyping the X Division, which really is the only place it stands out. The heavyweight division is lackluster and the tag division is in a state of flux. So with all the shitty bookers gone, we get good quality X Division focus.

So I think I might start watching this... Mondays at 11:00 when the repeat is showing.

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