Death Spares Not the Young
Hendrikje van Andel-Schipper is dead!
No you shouldn't know who that is, I didn't until today when I randomly came across a story about her death. Who was she? The oldest person alive. She had held the title for about a year. As I read her bio I see a sad, sad life some of which includes living with her parents until she was 47, dealing with the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands and outliving her only husband by nearly 50 years.
Well as long as Andre the Giant is still alive I'll be happy... he's alive damnit! Don't try and tell me he's not, I saw him just yesterday. I swear on a stack of Avestas. He'll live to be 1000 you know because he's a Hill Giant, not the lesser Forest variety. Now if only he were a Frost Giant like that damn Utgardaloki.
No you shouldn't know who that is, I didn't until today when I randomly came across a story about her death. Who was she? The oldest person alive. She had held the title for about a year. As I read her bio I see a sad, sad life some of which includes living with her parents until she was 47, dealing with the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands and outliving her only husband by nearly 50 years.
Well as long as Andre the Giant is still alive I'll be happy... he's alive damnit! Don't try and tell me he's not, I saw him just yesterday. I swear on a stack of Avestas. He'll live to be 1000 you know because he's a Hill Giant, not the lesser Forest variety. Now if only he were a Frost Giant like that damn Utgardaloki.