Der Gesetzgeber der Westküste
As I live entirely on the opposite coast, I don't really follow California politics at all. I have no interest in what goes on in that state at all as a matter of fact. I had entirely forgotten until a few days ago that they had a former actor as a governor. No not Reagan, that was a while ago. Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Seen here delivering a speech I think...
It was just oddly surreal to see "Gov. Arnold Shwarzenegger" below his name. But this is coming from someone who votes for Bill Cosby for everything. Hey, one of these days he'll win, even if he isn't technically running.
Seen here delivering a speech I think...
It was just oddly surreal to see "Gov. Arnold Shwarzenegger" below his name. But this is coming from someone who votes for Bill Cosby for everything. Hey, one of these days he'll win, even if he isn't technically running.