There are no words to describe how happy I am with last night's ECW One Night Stand PPV, but let me just try.

2006 is so far, the BEST year of champions EVER!!!! Like we were discussing last night, Rob Van Dam was the last of the best wrestlers never to get the title. Well, he sure as hell got it and a lot of confirmation, it's official. Rob Van Dam will forever be a World Champion. It was supposed to be a screwy ending with a title stripping, but in the end he gets to hold it until he drops the title! HAPPINESS! GREEN!
The show was unbelievably spectacular. The actual wrestling was so far beyond the normal quality of a WWE show. The match times were great, and matches were for the most part given a lot of time to create well thought out matches.
The main event was surreal, the heat against John Cena was huge. This main event was something I wish I could've been there live to witness. Cena was booed out of the fucking building. The chants were legendary. "Same old shit", "You can't wrestle", and "Die Cena, Die" were the best. Rob Van Dam could do no wrong. I was a little disappointed with the ending, but who gives a fuck. Rob Van Dam is the champion!
Masato Tanaka vs Balls Mahoney was the big disappointment of the night, but it really wasn't BAD per se. It's just, Tanaka stole the show last year and this year he jobs to a jobber. Oh well, it was still cool to see him. They should've shelled out the $8.50 for his FMW theme music, damnit.
Edge, Foley and Lita vs Dreamer, Funk and Beulah was probably the best "deathmatch" that a WWE production has ever put on. This was classic BJPW, IWA:Japan, ECW style blood, guts and fire. I was literally in awe as they all went nuts on barbed-wire boards and ladders and tables. I thought Terry Funk was dead on at least 8 different occasions during the match. Props to all four men in this match for putting on one of the most brutal matches I have ever seen in the E.
Rey Mysterio and Sabu was sickeningly cool. Rey came out dressed in classic WCW/luchadore gear, and Sabu was... Sabu. The high-flying shit was great, the flying was great, the spots were great. That is, of course, until the big spot. The diving DDT to the outside through the table was SICK! The way the table broke had both Sabu and Mysterio fall about four feet down straight onto their heads. The match was thrown out since... y'know... they both almost died.
Tajiri and Super Crazy vs Guido and Mameluke was a really fun match. I marked like a fucking 10-year old when I saw TAJIRI do the HUSTLE pose. Only two of us got that one, but we both fucking loved it. After the match the Big Show came down and we all let a big sigh, but once he got in there he managed to win most of the crowd over and actually impressed me. For the first time in about 5 years, he looked impressive! He did more moves in 20 seconds of beating up five guys than he had the rest of his career. Maybe ECW will be good for him. Maybe he can tap his inner Nirdu.
Kurt Angle vs Randy Orton was a lot of fun. It was a very technical, current-ROH style match. It was exciting to see a technical Angle with no limits, and Orton wasn't even that bad. The crowd was behind Angle all the way. These were his people, he could do no wrong just like RVD.
Anyway, if this is what ECW is going to be, I am VERY happy to have it back. This show reminded me why I love wrestling. The big level guys were going all out to have GOOD MATCHES!!!! The WWE used to be about building up to big matches and then delivering pure gold. Now they're about building up to a build up which builds up to a build up and then having a five minute PPV match. ECW is something all new, it's like WWE but with a focus on quality wrestling over "quality" storylines. Now, I look forward to the ECW a lot.
ECW has been reborn and it has evolved.

2006 is so far, the BEST year of champions EVER!!!! Like we were discussing last night, Rob Van Dam was the last of the best wrestlers never to get the title. Well, he sure as hell got it and a lot of confirmation, it's official. Rob Van Dam will forever be a World Champion. It was supposed to be a screwy ending with a title stripping, but in the end he gets to hold it until he drops the title! HAPPINESS! GREEN!
The show was unbelievably spectacular. The actual wrestling was so far beyond the normal quality of a WWE show. The match times were great, and matches were for the most part given a lot of time to create well thought out matches.
The main event was surreal, the heat against John Cena was huge. This main event was something I wish I could've been there live to witness. Cena was booed out of the fucking building. The chants were legendary. "Same old shit", "You can't wrestle", and "Die Cena, Die" were the best. Rob Van Dam could do no wrong. I was a little disappointed with the ending, but who gives a fuck. Rob Van Dam is the champion!
Masato Tanaka vs Balls Mahoney was the big disappointment of the night, but it really wasn't BAD per se. It's just, Tanaka stole the show last year and this year he jobs to a jobber. Oh well, it was still cool to see him. They should've shelled out the $8.50 for his FMW theme music, damnit.
Edge, Foley and Lita vs Dreamer, Funk and Beulah was probably the best "deathmatch" that a WWE production has ever put on. This was classic BJPW, IWA:Japan, ECW style blood, guts and fire. I was literally in awe as they all went nuts on barbed-wire boards and ladders and tables. I thought Terry Funk was dead on at least 8 different occasions during the match. Props to all four men in this match for putting on one of the most brutal matches I have ever seen in the E.
Rey Mysterio and Sabu was sickeningly cool. Rey came out dressed in classic WCW/luchadore gear, and Sabu was... Sabu. The high-flying shit was great, the flying was great, the spots were great. That is, of course, until the big spot. The diving DDT to the outside through the table was SICK! The way the table broke had both Sabu and Mysterio fall about four feet down straight onto their heads. The match was thrown out since... y'know... they both almost died.
Tajiri and Super Crazy vs Guido and Mameluke was a really fun match. I marked like a fucking 10-year old when I saw TAJIRI do the HUSTLE pose. Only two of us got that one, but we both fucking loved it. After the match the Big Show came down and we all let a big sigh, but once he got in there he managed to win most of the crowd over and actually impressed me. For the first time in about 5 years, he looked impressive! He did more moves in 20 seconds of beating up five guys than he had the rest of his career. Maybe ECW will be good for him. Maybe he can tap his inner Nirdu.
Kurt Angle vs Randy Orton was a lot of fun. It was a very technical, current-ROH style match. It was exciting to see a technical Angle with no limits, and Orton wasn't even that bad. The crowd was behind Angle all the way. These were his people, he could do no wrong just like RVD.
Anyway, if this is what ECW is going to be, I am VERY happy to have it back. This show reminded me why I love wrestling. The big level guys were going all out to have GOOD MATCHES!!!! The WWE used to be about building up to big matches and then delivering pure gold. Now they're about building up to a build up which builds up to a build up and then having a five minute PPV match. ECW is something all new, it's like WWE but with a focus on quality wrestling over "quality" storylines. Now, I look forward to the ECW a lot.
ECW has been reborn and it has evolved.