Bryan Danielson quits wrestling!
First we lose Dan Maff, then John Walters and now worst of all American Dragon Bryan Danielson has quit wrestling!

At first when I read it in the ROH newsletter I nearly shit myself. One of the greatest talents in the indies quit the best indy company. I thought it was fake, a storyline. They made it sound that way. Then I read from more reliable sources and actual news outlets that it was true, he had quit wrestling entirely. This is a terrible, terrible day for wrestling. Word is many companies were treating him like shit and he wasn't getting results anywhere. After he lost his title match to Aries, he quit wrestling. This is one of the darkest days in wrestling.
Bryan Danielson was the one of the last members of the old guard of Ring of Honor left. He was the man that main evented the first show, and put on classics throughout the entire length of the company. His pure wrestling talent was untouchable, he was a fucking star in that ring. Is a star in that ring. He had submissions like none have ever seen. His matches were so good they made Santa look like Hitler.
Still, there's a chance this IS all a storyline. I'd say 50/50. I hope it is, because he's one of the great talents out there. It's a shame he hasn't done more, won more. He still has chances. He'll be back storyline or no.

At first when I read it in the ROH newsletter I nearly shit myself. One of the greatest talents in the indies quit the best indy company. I thought it was fake, a storyline. They made it sound that way. Then I read from more reliable sources and actual news outlets that it was true, he had quit wrestling entirely. This is a terrible, terrible day for wrestling. Word is many companies were treating him like shit and he wasn't getting results anywhere. After he lost his title match to Aries, he quit wrestling. This is one of the darkest days in wrestling.
Bryan Danielson was the one of the last members of the old guard of Ring of Honor left. He was the man that main evented the first show, and put on classics throughout the entire length of the company. His pure wrestling talent was untouchable, he was a fucking star in that ring. Is a star in that ring. He had submissions like none have ever seen. His matches were so good they made Santa look like Hitler.
Still, there's a chance this IS all a storyline. I'd say 50/50. I hope it is, because he's one of the great talents out there. It's a shame he hasn't done more, won more. He still has chances. He'll be back storyline or no.