If I had as much "skill" (black skin and the ability to talk) as Lil Jon, I'd be so rich that I could do nothing. I mean, I do nothing, but I'd have the money so that I would never have to do anything. Plus if I ever ran out of money, I could get somebody to record me angrily yelling for 40 minutes, split it up into 10 parts and release it for an instant 3 million sales.
I'm just playing, yo, I don't hate all rap. It's just most of it is not for me and it perpetuates a negative black stereotype. Plus I'm always around a bunch of white kids trying to be black, and it is so annoying. What I want is to be surrounded by a bunch of Indians-from-India trying to be black... that would be funny!
Eeps, this whole post is steeped in racism. Tis all in good humour.
Liars lie to everyone but themselves. People who tell the truth lie to nobody but themselves.