Wandering Aimlessly
I graduated from college.
Hooray for me.
I have nothing to do anymore.
My life just that suddenly has no point.
It's odd how such a short amount of time can change so much.
So I'll float around for a while with no purpose.
Until something finds me and puts meaning into my life.
L'homme doit ĂȘtre content, dit-on; mais de quoi?
Man ought to be content, it is said; but with what?
- Voltaire
Hooray for me.
I have nothing to do anymore.
My life just that suddenly has no point.
It's odd how such a short amount of time can change so much.
So I'll float around for a while with no purpose.
Until something finds me and puts meaning into my life.
L'homme doit ĂȘtre content, dit-on; mais de quoi?
Man ought to be content, it is said; but with what?
- Voltaire