So I've realized that this semester I have never been more successful with written essays/papers than ever before. No, I'm not saying that I'm writing my best papers ever. In fact it's quite the opposite. My papers are terrible. I don't know what I'm talking about all the time. I've never read or even looked at the material I'm writing about. You know what my lowest grade has been? 88. Yeah, a B. I've come to the conclusion that I FUCKING RULE. Let me give you a few examples.
On a paper about
The Tain, an Irish epic, I didn't even start writing the paper until 2 weeks after it was due. This would be 2 days after everyone else got the paper back. How/why you ask? Simple, I convinced my professor that she had misplaced my paper. In the end I turned in my paper, in which I rambled for 6 pages about something or other, and she apologized for the inconvenience. A- on that one.
For one paper on some indian women for my history of indians class, I convinced my professor that I had been unable to print my paper. So what, everyone does that, right? Well, no, I actually had to talk about my paper. Luckily I went last, listened to everyone else and repeated what they said in a different way. He said good job, and after class I wrote the paper using everyone elses ideas interspersed with a minimal amount of research. I spent the next two hours writing it, and turned it in to him later that day. A on that one.
On another paper I actually couldn't find any information about one of the four parts I had to write about. What did I do, keep researching, read up on it? No, I wrote a basic introductory paragraph that made it seem like it would be continued on the next page, and then started the next page with the first paragraph of my next section. This made it look like I had a missing page. I turn it in. Guess what? A-. That's right, I got an A- on that paper!
Anyway, I'm really not trying this semester. That's the only reason I'm not putting the effort in, because these classes don't matter. They're filler so I can graduate. But I'm good, damn good.