Despite my rant on the E yesterday, which was much deserved, there are several things I think they are doing right. Not a lot of things, and they don't outweigh the bad but they are little rays of greatness in a huge pile of McMahon's shit.
- Edge's push. This push is loooooong deserved and was delayed after numerous injuries. Sure he still hasn't gotten the title yet, but he's still young and he's got time.
- Funaki's Cruiserweight title win. Also very long deserved. Funaki is consistently popular and yet that never got him anything. Last years Halloween was fucking brilliant! I hope he holds this forever, or he gets a Wrestlemania spot out of it.
- Paul London's very gradual push. It's taken a year, but I think he is finally catching the eye of everyone after his matches with Akio. London is impressing the live crowds and he HAS to be impressing the management. The most he'll ever be able to acheive is Cruiser champion, but can that be far off?
- Christian's push. Christian is a super-heel it can't be denied. This guy should be in the title scene before too long. Great charisma, one of the best heels in the company AND a good wrestler. That's almost TOO good for them.
- Triple H and Ric Flair's Wrestlemania commercial. C'mon it was fucking the greatest thing EVER!
... that's it.